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AMA Sleepy


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Opinions on Cloudian - Smoke Ball?


It's a pretty beast card, I wish there was support in the game to make other vanillas THAT fluid, I mean, look at it go:



Well, not that we COULDN'T, but I never knew how to approach you and kickstart that u.u


I've been there so I know what you mean. Sure, let's be friends ;D

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Why did you decide on the username "Sleepy"?


That was my IRL nickname back in middle school.

I went to elementary school from 1pm to 5pm so changing to an early morning schedule in middle school was something I never really got used to.

Much less when I changed schools from Mexico to the US (but while still living in Mexico). The border line demanded around 3 hours a day of wasting time to cross sides and I had no reliable places to stay at to skip said line. I was always sleepy-faced and a couple classmates started calling me that. 

By the time I was in high school I grew fond of that nickname and started using it for my email and stuff.... especially since the kids that put that nickname on me did much worse with like 99% of their nicknaming of others xD



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I have to admit I didn't expect it to be as successful as it is.

You tend to underestimate your popularity. I mean, nothing can happen until you give it a shot. After all, you should try everything.

I do the same, but that's irrelevant here


I always thought you were cool.

Oh hey, you got Pika to post
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I always thought you were cool.


As for a question, where'd you get the goat dragon things in your sig?


Thank you =D


I'm going to sound pretty bad for this, but I gotta admit I forgot who the user was that arranged them like that for me at a YCM shop. *shrughs*

but the images themselves I drew myself. I've always liked drawing and in fact I joined this site because I wanted to save my custom cards with self-drawn images.

They are a mix of Yugioh's Scapegoats and Stray Lambs with Chinese folklore:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Symbols_(China)

Here are the drawings again in my DeviantArt:






and the one I never put together with the rest: http://sleepy17.deviantart.com/art/Nuwa-Goat-Celestial-Goddess-497861991?q=gallery%3ASleepy17%2F11580998&qo=15

You tend to underestimate your popularity. I mean, nothing can happen until you give it a shot. After all, you should try everything.

I do the same, but that's irrelevant here


Oh hey, you got Pika to post


I know right?

I miss seeing Pika around more often so it is nice to see Pika posting xP

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I seem to remember a Yuru Yuri avi. I assume you watched and enjoyed? Rank the characters from best to worst go go go go go


I haven't come around to finishing season 3, but I'll get to that.

As much as I use Akarin and Chitose for avatars once in a while, I have to admit Kyoko makes the show go around.

Sooo let's see.... hmmm....


1- Kyoko

2- Ayano

3- Chitose

4- Akari

5- Sakurako & Himawari (can't really think of them separately)

6- Chinatsu

7- Chizuru

8- The big sisters (Akane and Tomoko)

9- The little ones (Mari and Kaede)

10- Rise

11- Yui


This was made up as I went.... Don't know/remember others and I'm not sure if I should include the woman that's always with Rise. I guess they'd go together if I did.

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I thought we already were so, sure.

No need to ask me about being friends, if we already interact in some way and/or do some stuff together, it pretty much is already a given.

and this is not just for you but I'll tell it to anybody who wants to ask this. 



That makes for the 3rd person in the thread that asks me this.

I didn't expect so many people wanting to be my friends =0 !

You're nice, fun to have in Splatoon, and draw!

I thought we already were so, sure.

No need to ask me about being friends, if we already interact in some way and/or do some stuff together, it pretty much is already a given.

and this is not just for you but I'll tell it to anybody who wants to ask this. 



That makes for the 3rd person in the thread that asks me this.

I didn't expect so many people wanting to be my friends =0 !

You're nice, fun to have in Splatoon, and draw!

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Your placement of Kyoko and Ayano at the top makes your placement of Sakurako & Himawari acceptable!


Speaking of animoo

What anime do you like anyway? If there's a lot just name a few that stand out.


Anime in my list in no particular order includes:

-Yugioh, because as much as I don't like including it in my lists, I have to admit I've watched all generations and can't say that for many other shows, as much as I see a ton of flaws in several of them I still watch them *shrughs*

-Fullmetal Alchemist

-Shaman King (more so the manga because that hurried ending in the anime)

-Midori Days (short and sweet)

-Jojo (because obviously)

-One Punch Man (see Jojo^)

lately, Konosuba has gotten into my list.

-Azumanga Daioh


I'm pretty sure I had a list much longer and with not so many mainstream titles, but just going off the top of my head.

I'm more prone to finding manga than anime, to which I would add:

-A Silent Voice

-Yankee-Kun to Megane-Chan

-Pretty Face

-Gimmick (this one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/9e/Gimmick_Vol_1.jpg/230px-Gimmick_Vol_1.jpg )

-One Piece


Movies and whatnot other than Ghibli films, the Little Witch Academia episodes. I'm a sucker for witchcraft and spells when not in RPG-based stories.... which is an almost non-existent thing..... yeah...


I'm pretty sure later today I'll remember other stuff and be like "why didn't I add that one?". The amount of anime and manga I've read/watched over the years can be counted only on 3 digit numbers.... but my memory sucks...

I accept recommendations too since there's a ton of stuff I haven't watched out there.

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You know.... I've always wondered this.... You a fan of Gainax/Trigger/etc anime at all? They always make a lot of goofy things that are fun to watch; Wondering if you've seen any.




Aside from Gurren Lagann/Kill La Kill(Unless one of these/both were the only ones you've seen)

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You know.... I've always wondered this.... You a fan of Gainax/Trigger/etc anime at all? They always make a lot of goofy things that are fun to watch; Wondering if you've seen any.




Aside from Gurren Lagann/Kill La Kill(Unless one of these/both were the only ones you've seen)


Trigger has a lot of talent but I often wonder how seriously they take their job. Kill la Kill had choices that made it look like it was being made up as it was being produced and put into TVs. Then we have Infeno Cop, Ninja Slayer, and Space Patororururuko.... Little Witch Academia looks as well as it does because they spent 1+ years per episode with pretty much unlimited budget from the government animating them. I talk about Trigger here because it has some ex-Gainax members in there, including the director of Gurren Lagann iirc.


I'm somewhat of a fan of Gainax, with the exception that their finale epsidoes for virtually any series they make ends up a disappointment for me.

Off the top of my head I remember Gurren Lagann and Mahoromatic, and they had a hand in Karekano. Oh, and FLCL, which is probably the best ending they've made compared to what I'm used to by them. Problem is, despite their finale episodes, I still like Gainax's work.


Mind you, I might be saying blasphemy here, but I haven't actually watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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Trigger has a lot of talent but I often wonder how seriously they take their job. Kill la Kill had choices that made it look like it was being made up as it was being produced and put into TVs. Then we have Infeno Cop, Ninja Slayer, and Space Patororururuko.... Little Witch Academia looks as well as it does because they spent 1+ years per episode with pretty much unlimited budget from the government animating them. I talk about Trigger here because it has some ex-Gainax members in there, including the director of Gurren Lagann iirc.


I'm somewhat of a fan of Gainax, with the exception that their finale epsidoes for virtually any series they make ends up a disappointment for me.

Off the top of my head I remember Gurren Lagann and Mahoromatic, and they had a hand in Karekano. Oh, and FLCL, which is probably the best ending they've made compared to what I'm used to by them. Problem is, despite their finale episodes, I still like Gainax's work.

But weird endings are a trademark of them. It's why the term "Gainax ending" exists =D


Mind you, I might be saying blasphemy here, but I haven't actually watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.

and neither have I.
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But weird endings are a trademark of them. It's why the term "Gainax ending" exists =D


and neither have I.


It is a mix of sad yet funny that Gainax is so awkward at endings that they had to pinpoint a term/troop just for them.

When I read that the first time, I was glad it wasn't just me not being fully satisfied with the endings xD

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I know you are a MLP fan so out of curiosity... which is your favorite character from that series (not limited to the main characters)?


I guess Sunset Shimmer after her first movie.

If we are talking about main series, that'd be Luna.


Would have been Fluttershy but she dislikes Nightmare Night so automatically there's a trait I don't share. Would be Pinkie Pie but she can be pretty dense to a very obnoxious degree at times. Would be Twilight but only from season 1. Would be a background pony like Berry Punch which I've used as avatar but background ponies are barely given anything to work with. The closest to the two above would be Sweetie Belle or Applebloom because.... I don't know, I just like them. Their flaws are more cute than annoying most of the time for me, among other reasons.




Favorite movie?


I can't pick on this one. Among my favorite stuff I can think of is Jim Carey's Almighty, Men in Black, or the Count of Monte Cristo.

If we talk animated Zootopia is pretty up there, but also is Inside Out. When Marnie was There also left an impression in me, Spirited Away if I had to mention something else from Ghibli. I need to watch Kiki's Delivery Service since I never have seen it full and it has the witch theme which I like so much.

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Firstly, opinion on me please?

Secondly, I haven't seen you in Skype much? School keeping you busy?

Thirdly, thoughts about YCM now compared to back in the day?


You are fine. I remember there was controversy with you back when you were mod, but to be honest, I don't remember much of that and much of what I must have heard obviously wasn't stuff I got to see for myself (gosh my memory is awful).

Are you still managing contests?


Yes IRL is keeping me busy, but truth be told, I'm sometimes online while appearing offline. This is due to me sucking at managing too much at the same time. When I put myself online, I quickly get like 4+ chats going on, and when at least one of them is a group chat that doesn't stop posting and another sends me links to click on, it just takes up more of what I'd like.

Feel free to say hi even if you see me offline though. Worse thing that can happen is that I'll answer until I am actually online if I'm not.


Thoughts on the site? IDK, pros and cons. I personally liked having more activity around here, even if it was what others would call "crap activity" or spam, people improve over time for the most part, and even when some didn't like it, it was at least SOME activity, and sometimes even those lame "8/10" posts are about enough to encourage somebody to keep creating, at least compared to nothing. Of course, I also understand why things are as they are.

I wouldn't say the site is dying necessarily though, the community is still very nice, and I still like coming and looking around. Nostalgia can be an issue when thinking about the back then vs the now. Some of the stuff I don't do is mainly due to less free time than back when I joined in 08. What do you think of the site?

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