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Mr. Hyde

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I've been thinking about getting this game, what systems do you guys play it on? I could get it for PC but I'd only be able to run it at 30 fps on lowish settings, so I'm more leaning towards getting it for PS4. I do prefer M+KB but I've been playing Destiny so long, console controls for shooters aren't an issue. I also imagine the scene is a bit more casual on console versus PC, which I can totally get into.

Depends what you want to get out of it.  if you want to be competitive, PC is the way to go regardless.  Hell my machine is probably worse than yours and I can deal with the crap quality enough to play good enough.  If you don't really care about having the precision offered by mouse and keyboard or you've never really been too heavily invested in the FPS genre then just go with what you would have the best time with.

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Ended up getting it for PS4. It's super fun, been playing primarily Reinhardt and Soldier 76 with a smidgen of Mercy.


I really wish people were smart enough to stand behind Reinhardt's giant rectangle, though.

You'll learn real fast that 99% of players are idiots in this game.

Big blue shield that protects you? Let's move away from it.

New to a DPS character? Sure, you can 1v6.

Playing on Defense? Sure, Genji, Tracer, and DVA are all great picks.

Playing on Attack? Bring all the Hanzos and Torbs you want. 

One of the most pivotal things to keeping you alive can't fend for itself? Well, too bad for them, I'm too busy doing...what, exactly?

Try to talk about meta? You're whining. 


...alright, that rant's over.

In other news, the Halloween event is about to end and I guess I'm going to have to go coins for Mercy. I'm at level 95, wanted to hit 100 and quickly grind through for her, but doesn't look like that's going to happen. I did get Ana's stuff, which is fantastic, and so much Reaper and Genji things I pretty much have to main them now.

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Thankfully none of the Halloween skins are must-have for me. I got Zenyatta's and Bastion's so far and I'm going to keep grinding games to see how many I can get before the event ends, but I'm not looking for anything in particular. The one skin I want to start working towards is Blackhardt.

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I logged on Overwatch a couple weeks ago when the Halloween event had just started, and before then I had only played OW for maybe fifteen minutes at the most. They give you the free Loot Box Promotional item for the Halloween event, and when I opened it up, I immediately got the Witch Mercy skin and I was like "well, that's my luck coming back to me for all the missed drops in Warframe."


Played for a little bit afterwards and ended up getting Reinhardt's "CATCHPHRASE" voice line (which is the best one hands down) and Ana's Candy emote. Didn't really get much else after that and now that it's over I'll probably stop playing OW now until the Christmas event comes up.


OW doesn't really run too well on my laptop (a lot of things don't, but OW is just the worst) so I can't really play it all that much. But when I do, I usually go Zenyatta if someone doesn't want to be healer, Ana if someone doesn't want to be Sniper/Healer, D.VA/Roadhog if no one wants to tank (who is incredibly broken when combined with Zarya), and then I also occasionally play McCree and Dwarf.


Sometimes Mercy and Mei (although very rarely) as well. I'm horrible at Tracer because of laggy PC, same with Genji.


Terrible with Pharah because I'm not coordinated enough to manage her jetpack fuel with right-click (I'm well aware you can do it with the Space Key as well but for some reason it feels more comfortable and less awkward with the right-click).


Bastion is f***ing cancer.


Don't really play Widow/Hanzo because, again, of laggy PC, although offensive Widow can be fun at times with her assault rifle mode.


Junkrat is ehh. His ult is useless and 90% of the time, he's simply lobbing grenades over walls which is boring. If the game gave you a 50% refund if it was destroyed within the first five seconds of using it, then his ult would be somewhat viable.


I'm actually a terrible Reinhardt for some reason. Too much sitting on right-click and not doing anything I feel like, and not charging. Charge me, Granddad, and whatnot.


Lucio is boring.


Zarya is fun af.


Reaper I like, but I'm terrible with him. I'm not much of the sneaking around doing damage kind of person. I'm the type of person that wants to deal damage on the front lines and shred enemies. It's why I like Soldier 76 more than Reaper.


Winston is ehh. He really needs a damage buff or something considerable in order for him to actually be useful. I'm well aware he can harass smaller targets like Tracer and healers and his ult is the epitome of harassment strategies, but other than that, he's not.....a tank.


Symmetra is fun. Really needs a rework, though. Excited for the changes that are going to be coming in November.


And as we all know it, Sombra is going to be OP when she comes out.

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Ended up just buying 50 loot boxes because disposable income.


Got 8 Legendary skins (a couple of them repeats) among other things, and actually got the Mercy Halloween skin from the very next level up Loot Box. So now I've got all the Legendary Halloween skins and I'm only missing 5 of the Epic ones. I've got over 2k credits right now so I can buy more using them before the event ends tomorrow night if I want to.

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DVA has no appeal.

A flat character, a flat kit, a flat chest...anyways.

Her PTR changes might actually make her a playable tank. Right now, she not only fails her niche but she also fails her class. These PTR changes are precisely what she needs to be an actual tank, and have actual flanking potential. 

How dare you.  If I could, I would love to have D.Va as a sister (not in a creepy way).  Idk, maybe because I have little sisters, I can appreciate her personality.  Not to mention, D.Va's nuke is a pain in the ass and she her unlimited ammo can be deadly if she can survive long enough.  She is good as a secondary or backup tank, not a solo or main tank like Reinhardt and Roadhog or even good Zarya's.

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I mean, it's not like Sombra would've come out sooner if the ARG didn't exist.  It was really just a big shinny thing to pass the time while development continued.  However, Blizzard honestly doesn't understand how to make an effective ARG, so it wound up being a bunch of stopgaps between parts with no real cohesive feel.  There doesn't need to be a reward for an ARG, but all in all they could have removed all the stopgaps and just started the damn thing a month later.

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Sombra looks awesome, and a lot of her niche is fine...but we have immediate issues.

She's a flanker who even above Genji and Tracer can go  INVISIBLE. I mean, still easier to hit than a Tracer, but still.

Next...she SILENCES people for 6 seconds. Sounds all fine and dandy until you realize that most of supports are funked over by her INCREDIBLY.

They're already prone to flankers as it is, and now without abilities with huge range on her silence (well, when fighting a support, anyways), it just spells trouble. Not saying she's going to prevent all heals or something but things vital to the success of escaping as a support getting shut down feels bad. Who knows, people might not focus supports when playing her, or might opt to shut down the DPS instead. We'll see, and it's entirely possible to be situational, but flankers often like to just kill supports and dash out in style. 


Though, I will say that her ability to flank and ACTUALLY matter to the team while shutting down problems like tanks and turrets makes her really damn awesome.
Stealth is #3 on my list of fortes in an FPS, this should be fun ;D

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Super excited for these changes.




I like that they're adding rewards, too. I found it weird that Overwatch had a weekly brawl like Hearthstone, but you didn't get a free loot box each week or something like you get a free card pack in Hearthstone.

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Went through and watched the rest of the animated shorts after seeing Sombra's the other day.


I think I'm now a Iron Giant Bastion player.

Noooooo, please, don't fall into the depths of hate and saltiness. You're better than that! Come back to the light and play as Ana, where you can pick up Super Grandad along with Pharah and Mercy and they all go on a triple date together. Those are good times!


Also yeah, Sombra animated short was good. It's interesting to know that she's not exactly working in tandem with Talon, but that she's working towards her own goals. It makes her motive of "information is power" that much more apparent, knowing that she's only looking after herself, especially in the way that she (supposedly) manipulates people (gathered this evidence from when she encountered Ms. Volskaya) into doing her bidding.

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I ended up picking up Mei. I'd played, like, 2 games of her the other day, so I wasn't that practiced yet.


Had a 28 eliminations medal (44% of team eliminations) a few games in. Then got a sweet PotG where I headshot killed two enemy Widowmakers one after the other.


funking love Mei.

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