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[OCG] September 2013 Banlist.

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we've been discussing this for pages ffs. I think most of us would appreciate if you actually read what we've been saying

well, sorry for that then, I read the first few pages and after that that's it (and now I see alot of discausion elsewhere on the site >< )

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Actually, I've been thinking it over, and I think Gorz being Semi-Limited is brilliant.

Right now, the meta is all about sweeping the opponent's field while, at the same time, getting out a bunch of big cards really fast, and pushing for game in one move.
The double chances of Gorz will slow it down somewhat, and make people be smarter about their plays.

Which is what this game was built upon. Strategy.


This is probably what Gorz was INTENDED to do, but was executed not quite as well in practice.


Here's how typical uses tend to happen.


- You open Gorz in your first hand. You either play one or two cards onto the Field (or the blatant move of nothing at all), and end. When your opponent does normal plays, not even broken swarm plays and destroys your cards and hits for damage, you drop Gorz, bringing out a 2700 and a Token for literally no effort at all, and your opponent didn't do anything wrong with their plays, either. You will likely score an advantage for this early maneuever and your opponent will be pressured to defend.


- It's late game. Both players have fair sized LP left and very few cards in hand or Field. You topdeck Gorz. Your opponent hits for damage, you drop a 2700 beater out of nowhere and a Token that definitely matches the ATK of the monster that hit you. At this stage of the game, your opponent is unlikely to have a counter and you have just won the Duel by doing nothing. It's even more frustrating than the opponent sacking BLS or something and snatching the win. The opponent got punished for having an advantage.


Sometimes, Gorz is easy to play around. Other times, it's a game-winner practically on its own.


Do I personally feel Gorz shouldn't be at 2? Not yet. I haven't seen how 2 Gorz will be better or worse than 1. People who run Tragoedia over Gorz do so for the Level effect and flexibility, plus easier conditions. Gorz is not usually a card that MUST go into Decks, it's Sided probably as often as it's Main Decked.

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Here's my banlist, as stupid as it may sound.

[spoiler=Banned]Super Rejuvenation [From Unlimited]
Yo dragon rulers, we heard you like pluses, so we put some pluses in your pluses so you can plus while you plus.
Spellbook of Judgement [From Unlimited]
It's rewarding you for going off and eating up your hand, which you essentially get to add back later. On top of that, you get a boss monster.
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon [From Limited]
A free Summon (Banish 1 Dragon-type) and can Summon any Dragon-type monster from the hand or graveyard. 50 shades of nope
[spoiler=Limited]Goyo Guardian [From Banned]
Alright, I know a lot of people are going to stop reading the list here, and I'm probably going to receive a lot of hate for this, but hear me out. Synchros are dying out. Number 11: Big Eye is legal. With Goyo Guardian's effect, it a). Has to destroy the monster, B). The monster has to touch the Graveyard, and c). The monster can't attack that turn. Yes, the ATK is a bit high, but in this format the effect is just too slow.
Number 11: Big Eye [From Unlimited]
A snatch steal that you can use twice with barely any restrictions ("This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect" is pathetic). It was fine originally, but Dragon Rulers snapped this in half in terms of balance.
Mecha Phantom Beast Dragosack [From Unlimited]
I hate to see this limited because of a deck it wasn't even intended to be used in, but Dragon Rulers made this way too strong. If it's limited, Mecha Phantom Beasts get to keep their boss monster.
Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks [From Unlimited]
Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts [From Unlimited]
Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles [From Unlimited]
Steam, Dragon Ruler of Droplets [From Unlimited]
Limiting these collectively hits Dragon Rulers, a broken, tier 1 deck that doesn't even deserve to exist.
Fire Formation - Tenki [From Unlimited]
A search engine that's far too easily searched, and gives a passive minor ATK gain. I have a sneaking suspicion that Fire Fists are going to wreck next format, so might as well limit this to lessen the impact somewhat.
[spoiler=Semi-Limited]Chaos Sorcerer [From Limited]
It's a weaker version of Black Luster Soldier. Too powerful at three, but I feel like it's fine being Semi-Limited.
T.G Striker [From Limited]
This had no business being limited. I don't know though, maybe there's some new broken as all hell OTK that can only exist if this isn't limited. Put it at 2 for a format and see how it goes.
Solemn Warning [From Limited]
A watered-down Solemn Judgment, but extremely powerful in it's own right. Not, however, powerful enough to warrant a limiting, in my opinion.
Evilswarm Ophion [From Unlimited]
It certainly does it's job of being an anti-meta card well. However, in doing so, it has also become the Meta. Not being able to Summon Level 5 or higher monsters is annoying and cuts off a huge part of the game.
[spoiler=Unlimited]Gladiator Beast Bestiari [From Limited]
Why is this even Limited? Gladiator Beasts haven't done anything for years.

Night Assailant [From Limited]

It's a Nobleman-Eater Bug that is also Flip Effect support. I'm confused as to why this is Limited.

The Transmigration Prophecy [From Semi-Limited]

It's a worse, slower Pot of Avarice. No reason to be Semi-Limited, in my opinion. 


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Oh, hey, new list that makes it so I don't have to worry about "backrow is bad for YGO" again.


...Wait, Gorz at 2? The card I keep in my wallet as something that's just there in case I seriously want to use it for myself, but I never see as valid because most decks I end up playing only board hand traps? And Gorz isn't once that comes to mind?




If this list is legit, I'm even more okay with this one, although I still think the Fire Formation floating around 2ch is probably Tenki. Trish at one has been something a few of my friends have been worried about, but with Birdman also at one, it's not necessarily as splashable. I like the way Konami's trying to fix things up from what happened with Dragon Rulers.


To be honest, this list doesn't really affect me as a Gadgets user beyond making sure I have Heavy available 9/10 opportunities, and also maintaining the 2 Bottomless/3 Compulse route. Because you know some idiots are going to be playing 3 Mirror Force.


EDIT: Oh, before I forget, I'm not crapping on Gorz because I know what it can do for a lot of decks, specifically Agents builds that I'm aware of in my local area. It's just been ages since I've ever played against Gorz where it gave me trouble. Kind of like Trag in that way, to be honest with you.

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...Wait, Gorz at 2? The card I keep in my wallet as something that's just there in case I seriously want to use it for myself, but I never see as valid because most decks I end up playing only board hand traps? And Gorz isn't once that comes to mind?




You're kidding, right? Gorz is really good. Hell, i use it to help lessen damage, to destroy/attack monsters, and to get rid of set cards and hand traps. It has so many uses for me.

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You're kidding, right? Gorz is really good. Hell, i use it to help lessen damage, to destroy/attack monsters, and to get rid of set cards and hand traps. It has so many uses for me.


Am I kidding about it being in my wallet? No. I have it there as a good luck charm because I know it's a good card.


Am I kidding about it being something I don't really use very often, even though I know it's a good card? I wish I was, but the only deck I've ever played where I've been like "I should definitely play Gorz in the board at the very least" was Agents. Past several months, I've played Chaos-sworn, Madolche, Fire Fists and Gadgets. Never bothered with Gorz because it never seemed like the proper response I needed. Madolche had it in the board, but I hardly ever subbed it in.


My current response to Gorz is, "Well, okay, guess I'd better deal with that promptly, even though my opponent kind of wasted that token there." I've seen good usage of it, but I really feel like 2 is doing the same sort of incentive crap that 3 Mirror Force presents, which is, "Man, a really good card can have more uses! Better play it at maximum!"

The main difference between Gorz/coincidentally Duality and Mirror Force, though, is that the former are actually really good cards to have available to you straight away/at key points in the game, whereas the latter kinda falls flat against the numerous amounts of removal available to the game right now.


I think it's something to worry about, yes, but I also think people shouldn't consider it the bane of the game/what brings back decks X and Y. Because there's sure as hell a lot more stuff coming out in the next six months that could change minds.

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The reason I'm okay with 3 Mirror Force is because I know, at least for the time being, I'll never need them, nor want them, because if Heavy isn't banned, Compulse still stares me in the face as the better card to have set. Redundant if their field is clear and they drop Heavy, but always a response to consider if they have something I could send back that would cause them issues, or if I have something I want to save.


I do like the card in stuff that's more control-based, like the Gravekeepers variant I keep debating on building, but 2 was more than enough for me.


EDIT: Suh-weeeeet, list is a go, then?

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Thanks, I guess. I didn't think I'd come here because I never felt that obligated to observe Yugimons discussion and contribute myself, but to be honest, it's the best place I've got for it.


I'm still wondering if Tenki's on that list. If they're making the preemptive with Rooster against 3-Axis, that's one thing, but I still think there's something to it going to 2. Bujin and Constellar won't care that much, since it's Fire Fists Konami clearly seems to be targeting.


EDIT: Wait, confirmed a fake? Dammit.

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