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That King of the Hill RP-ish game


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The floating island can't hold up too much weight. As such by you coming on the floating island it crashes back into the ground.

The blast knocks you back into the ocean and the blast from the water impact knocks me and wakes me up.

I go to the hill that was a floating island until this post.

My hill.

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(also where are all these references that pennar keeps using from)


(Pennar himself is a Prophet from Mabinogi, he is one of the main villains from Generation 19 onwards, alongside 2 others, A Succubus, Brilluen and an Ogre, Marcan, Pennar is a Fomor Werewolf who has been granted Divine powers from a God not native to Erinn, Severe wounds that any of the Prophets inflict are often Suffused with that same energy, which turn the Afflicted into Apostles, Girgashiy are the most common type of Apostle)


(Also Spaz, I have not Harmed you so you are not at risk at turning in the first place)


Since cr47t is also a Girgashiy, I simply fortify the hill, Occupying it simply by walking up it and waiting, looking at Spaz, I told him to wait for more Opposition before smacking him down the hill


The Prophet's Hill

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The "Nerf" only removes my Immunity to Magic and Ranged Attacks, it hurts, but my ability to turn others are Protected by Canon, at least i'm not returning to my previous identity permanently


Ok that means i am myself now because girgashpiewsjfosws arent real anyway

(btw wtf are they anyway)


These guys are very hard to kill, They strike hard and inflict other nasty debuffs, including several Unavoidable Instant Death attacks that are blocked only by very specific situations, both easy to do if people know what they're doing and what they need to do


I simply inflict a small wound on Des, responding to his proposal to his treaty as him being willing to turn to my minion in exchange for free will upon transformation, I could inflict the whole hill again, but I feel that I want to keep my forces small to not kill the game, so I wait for Des to turn


Still the People's Hill

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I bring in Konami to ban cardgameking and pennar, due to them being the most OP players in the thread. with their empires and energies.

Then I fight the Ice Barriers using a borrowed Kozmo fleet, smashing them since the ice barrier's synchros are mostly hit by the banlist, kicking Dolphin out.


Out of kindness I let Indra keep the hill for now.

Still Aman Indra's hill.

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I easily laugh at the ban when Konami also bans cr47t for the same reason as i'm banned (You actually DID start cardgameking's 'Legion' after all), I again call upon my Previous Identity's powers, Using the boundary between Possible/Impossible, I unban myself and proceed to terrorize the game once more, which means both cr47t AND cardgameking are also unbanned


as I called upon my Previous identity's powers, I cannot take another action


Penguin's Hill

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(much appreciated)

I put my plan into action: You see, the armor that pennar destroyed so easily was actually the very pinnacle of Vylon machinery. And the reason I mover the hill underwater? So the battles would attract the Kraken, of course!

I release the Kraken!

I then take the surviving armor and begin figuring out how to remove the divine energy it took from Pennar from it. Meanwhile, the Kraken conquers the hill for me. Its welcome to it.

The Kraken's hill.

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