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At first I thought that Yugo dueling Jack was suicide because its motherfuckin Jack Atlas but with this being an alternate Jack I decided he might have a chance. However, I then thought that because this is an alternate Jack that his deck is unknown as to what he runs. He might have something worse than Red Nova or better.

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At first I thought that Yugo dueling Jack was suicide because its motherf***in Jack Atlas but with this being an alternate Jack I decided he might have a chance. However, I then thought that because this is an alternate Jack that his deck is unknown as to what he runs. He might have something worse than Red Nova or better.

Yugo himself appears as a powerful duelist, along with his anti-synchro Clear Wing Synchro Dragon I honestly think he would be able to defeat Jack, and may do so in the future. Although Jack does appear much colder in this series just  based on his expression; so I wonder how he will actually duel.

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We've only seen him in the opening; no word on how he'll actually act in the episode. (That in mind, there isn't a timeframe for when he'll appear)

Then again, we'll see Crow's behavior starting tomorrow and see if it is similar to that of his 5Ds counterpart.


It might be, but we won't know that until later.

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[spoiler=This week's manzai]


Yuuya: Crow’s monster is so cool!
GONGENZAKA: Black Feathers…So they’re basically birds with black plumage. If you use bird monsters in an Action Duel, you would be able to soar through the sky!
Yuuya: Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen you ride a monster before.
GONGENZAKA: I may be a devoted practitioner of Steadfast Dueling, but I’ve actually ridden on a monster before!
Yuuya: This is the first time I’ve seen it! You should do that when we Duel each other, too!
GONGENZAKA: Hmm-Hmm! [/spoiler]

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Because quite honestly I want to see an advanced form of Clear Wing. We didn't get the chance for an advanced form of Dark Rebellion but it seems the writers are putting a lot more investment into Yugo. I'm all for Yugo beating Jack not just because I like him but because it would show the fans that the writers aren't trying to overshadow the Arc V characters with the reappearance of 5ds characters.

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Because quite honestly I want to see an advanced form of Clear Wing. We didn't get the chance for an advanced form of Dark Rebellion but it seems the writers are putting a lot more investment into Yugo. I'm all for Yugo beating Jack not just because I like him but because it would show the fans that the writers aren't trying to overshadow the Arc V characters with the reappearance of 5ds characters.

I feel like OERD was the advancement of DRXD as he overlayed with OEPD becoming an advanced and more powerful form of the two of them. So I think Clear Wings advancement will "probably" be when it synchros with OEPD.

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If there's a synchro advancement for Clear Wing, it'll probs be a Synchro Pendulum and Yuya will most likely get a Pendulum monster with a pendulum eff of treating a monster he controls as a tuner monster or something (Assuming we don't see any of the Structure Deck stuffs in the anime).

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Tomorrow is Gongenzaka vs Dennis, right? And isn't Dennis dueling Shun in a few weeks? I think the reason why is pretty clear; Dennis is trying to get an idea of every Lancers dueling style as part of his spy work. Good thinking on his part, though I don't know how the duels they've all had with Sora and the Obelisk Force or witnessed by Sora in Reiji's case isn't sufficient, but whatever.

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Tomorrow is Gongenzaka vs Dennis, right? And isn't Dennis dueling Shun in a few weeks? I think the reason why is pretty clear; Dennis is trying to get an idea of every Lancers dueling style as part of his spy work. Good thinking on his part, though I don't know how the duels they've all had with Sora and the Obelisk Force or witnessed by Sora in Reiji's case isn't sufficient, but whatever.


Sure there should be enough data, but my guess is that he wants to gauge it first hand. There are always people like that out there that would rather try a more rudimentary way even when technology is a thing and numbers on computers already tested it.

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 [spoiler=Raw 57]

Lol can't believe they appeared in this episode




Dennis vs Gon was ok, was supirse Gon won, but after this duel guess is confirm we would be seeing more Pendulum R.Raptors, Ninja, Moonlight and SuperHeavy Samurai soon


Dennis why are you throwing Yuma's card away, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!!!!


Olga and Halil apppeared yay, but only as card form [/spoiler]

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Hah, Dennis sure can put on a show - either as a busker or live on-stage. I like how, when Gongenzaka got swapped into the "protagonist" role of the skit, his plays quickly looked like the assembly of a combining mecha. Dennis even takes up an evil overlord's mannerisms. Great watch.

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[spoiler episode 57] Wait, where the heck did Dennis get his own pendulum monsters that aren't statues from the tournament? Did Reiji make them?

Also, vendor guy from 5Ds appeared selling toy morphtronics xD.

I like that Gon got pissed off with Dennis' antics, though it seems daft that they're all revealing their new summoning types to the public so easily. I guess Dennis has no intention of the lancers succeeding, but Serena and Yuya should be holding their cards closer to their chests (pun intended).


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That thread was a thing?


[spoiler=Thoughts on 57 RAW]

- I see a vendor selling morphtronic toys

- So whilst Yuzu was warning everyone about the fusion dimension, showing them a couple of cardified people, everyone else laughed.

 - At least Banana defended her, but they caused a scene which allowed a couple of kids to steal things, causing Crow to scold them.

- I see some of the money Dennis was getting had Lazar on it

- Gongenzaka vs Dennis was ok, not surprised that Gongenzaka won tbh. I wonder what Gallagher wants with them, he seemed intrigued during the duel though.

 - That being said, they put on a good show though.

  - Gongenzaka did seem irritated during the duel, I would be too if you went to reveal your secrets too quickly

- When Dennis set the Pendulum scale, a purple aura surrounded the word Pendulum, seems ominous


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I don't think there's really all that much of a point to a dub thread.

It is always far more inactive, and the dub is always so much behind (for obvious reasons), with censorship slapped in to death, and with hit-n-miss VA choices.


Is it really that much of a need for it?


Last time it was made too early, we had months to go before it even aired. That happened under the typical and strange desire of

"I wanna be the one hosting the thread and I'll do it so early that nobody will beat me to it, even though the show doesn't start until like half a year more and I'll most likely have to fill in the first few pages of discussion with just bump statements to keep it afloat at all (plus the comments telling me it is too early)".

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Since Zexal manga is ending next month, the proper Arc V manga should be coming either Sep or Oct-ish, so get ready guys and girls. Manga Yuya and Yuzu is coming! (and we are making a thread for it right, don't want to talk about the both the manga and the anime in the same thread)

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Since Zexal manga is ending next month, the proper Arc V manga should be coming either Sep or Oct-ish, so get ready guys and girls. Manga Yuya and Yuzu is coming! (and we are making a thread for it right, don't want to talk about the both the manga and the anime in the same thread)


But can we be sure there'll be a proper Arc-V manga, besides the SD one? The fact the series has been running for more than a year, as well as ZeXal's manga version ending before an Arc-V adaptation being released, unlike its two immediate predecessors, which run simultaneously with their following series, makes me doubt it. We should already have received news about it by this point, I believe.

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