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ITT: Most, if Not All, Normal Monsters Have Hidden Effects.

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Right, so. This might get a bit hard to understand, so bear with me.


We all know that basically every Normal Monster is God-awful, but they do come with some nice Flavor Text.


But what if, sometimes, the Flavor Text was more than just something nice to read? What if it had a deeper meaning?


Let's take this card, for example. Phantom Dewan:




sorcerer that can paralyze an enemy with a single curse.


Now say, for example, that this flavor text was actually a riddle of sorts. Solving the riddle would unlock this monster's effect. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that it has a built in Spellbinding Circle Quick Effect that also negates effects. However, it can only apply this effect on one monster at a time.


In hindsight, this might actually make for a good spinoff game mechanic. But that's besides the point.



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Implementing this with the huge back catalogue of normal monsters that exist would be absolutely impossible and completely the change the nature of the game if it was even somehow managed, on top of adding needless complication to a game already complex enough. Retrains of old cards are the equivalent of this and that is itself enough. I mean it's an interesting idea and something I have thought about the odd time but not remotely practical.

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Flavor text OP, please nerf.  I'm uncomfortable with a game where this is almost entirely better than Catastor.  As previously stated, retrains exist for this reason and help keep an already-complicated game from getting even more complicated.

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Flavor text OP, please nerf. I'm uncomfortable with a game where this is almost entirely better than Catastor. As previously stated, retrains exist for this reason and help keep an already-complicated game from getting even more complicated.

Nah, that'd only Catastor a monster in the same column.

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I've thought about this before and personally think it'd be really cool to see some of the older cards get retrained. I don't see why it's that big of a deal, not like they can't make the game any more broken and cancerous than it is now.

funnily enough this will only serve to make the game more "broken" and "cancerous". the notion of cards having a hidden ability in its text is ridiculous due to the sheer number of normal monsters there is. it would make the game unnecessarily complicated, cause ruling disputes everywhere and alienate new players who feel that they might be getting bullshitted through this hidden texts. as for the retrain, no, that's also not a really good option. the game is built on the foundation that there is a bunch of crappy garbage normal monsters that is more or less completely unusable and thus does not hinder the design of new cards.

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funnily enough this will only serve to make the game more "broken" and "cancerous". the notion of cards having a hidden ability in its text is ridiculous due to the sheer number of normal monsters there is. it would make the game unnecessarily complicated, cause ruling disputes everywhere and alienate new players who feel that they might be getting bullshitted through this hidden texts. as for the retrain, no, that's also not a really good option. the game is built on the foundation that there is a bunch of crappy garbage normal monsters that is more or less completely unusable and thus does not hinder the design of new cards.


On the point about retrains, there's nothing wrong with them as a concept or as a finished product at all. Cards such as Dark King of the Abyss (whose retrain I have long been awaiting) that have been featured in a lot of artworks of other cards and shown to have a relevance to the overall lore of the game should get newer versions of themselves to reflect this, and its a way of showing that they've not forgotten about older cards as well.


To say the foundation of the game is that most older cards are shit is nonsense really. It's true that they may now be terrible but at the time they were relevant in their way because most all you could do was summon a monster, hope it was stronger than what your opponent could summon and then tribute it for another, stronger monster, and the standard bar of ATK and DEF at the start was a lot lower than now. The evolution of the game making them irrelevant doesn't make their existence a foundation of anything.

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funnily enough this will only serve to make the game more "broken" and "cancerous". the notion of cards having a hidden ability in its text is ridiculous due to the sheer number of normal monsters there is. it would make the game unnecessarily complicated, cause ruling disputes everywhere and alienate new players who feel that they might be getting bullshitted through this hidden texts. as for the retrain, no, that's also not a really good option. the game is built on the foundation that there is a bunch of crappy garbage normal monsters that is more or less completely unusable and thus does not hinder the design of new cards.

Yeah, okay, but it's too bad I was talking about retraining cards. Unless I'm mistaken, that's making a vanilla monster into an effect monster, meaning that its effect will be right there on the card. These effects can also be inspired from the flavor text.

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Effects would start off with multiple interpretations AKA different effects depending on who uses it, and eventually many of those would become unused over time the bast majority of times, as the most powerful interpretation of the text starts getting more and more popularity.

Even with the same interpretation, not having the effect outright stated there in the card will result in different rulings and lawyer-like technicalities being discussed to see who wins arguments probably for longer discussions than the rounds themselves at any tournament.


Then there'll be times when the mainstream use will not be used because a different and previously forgotten interpretation is more fitting for X situation, making it harder to get counters against it.


All of it multiplied by the number of vanillas.... This can't be pleasant.



This could be a project for Duel Portal or something. What do people think of that?



I think it'd be better if you took said texts as inspiration for the creation of re-trains. It'd be more simple and flow better, and it'd amount to a cleaner version of the idea of using them up.

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Went and had a bit of a look to verify that this would only lead to arguments.


[spoiler=Images disproportionate and annoying]



Could be interpreted any number of ways. Gains 1500 ATK when attacking, can tribute itself to destroy the entire field, can't die by battle and so on.




Piercing? Multi-attacking? Can attack directly? Other things possible as well.



That's only 2 cards and barely a line of lore apiece. Would be chaotic. Also not to mention the strength of those effects on monsters that have a myriad of support based on being normal.

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- I Summon Phantom Dewan! And now, I activate it's hidden ability... SHAZAM!


*throws away my opponent's Deck*


- Well, you're shocked now, aren't you?




...yeah, just leave the game as it is. Retraines are fun, but this hidden ability idea is just something that should never work in a game like this. This isn't a tabletop or video game.

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not like they can't make the game any more broken and cancerous than it is now.


sheet like that gets on my nerves.


Anyway, as for the concept in and of itself: yes, pretending normal monsters have hidden effects is fun (you broke the jar... And released the monster within). Thing is, implementing these into the actual game is foolish on multiple levels. Not only would it require mass retemplating, it creates a portion of the rules not immediately apparent by the cards. Furthermore, it completely defeats the point of a normal monster. It would pretty much be an effect monster, hell, better than that, as it couldn't be targeted by cards such as BTS and Fiendish Chain.


As for retrains, whatever, but that isn't what this is about.

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Everyone pointed out the flaws of this and I see that but damn, this sounds really fun.


I don't know, maybe a condition to activate the hidden text? As well as hidden text effects not being quite as apparent as what the flavor text says(although that alone is even more troublesome to decide).


It is a fun idea until someone summons literally anything and declares their interpretation of the effect the text alludes to and you disagree because what they're saying is ridiculous but there's nothing at all you can do since the effects are "hidden" and no rulings exist to support you so you just have to accept the Yuma-esque create-a-card-mid-game crap.

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It is a fun idea until someone summons literally anything and declares their interpretation of the effect the text alludes to and you disagree because what they're saying is ridiculous but there's nothing at all you can do since the effects are "hidden" and no rulings exist to support you so you just have to accept the Yuma-esque create-a-card-mid-game crap.

Only thing I can think of to counter that is some sort of existing online database that does list what actual hidden effects each normal monster has. It requires an external resource for these 'hidden effects' to work and that's not optimal but I really can't see any other way.

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I think it'd be better if you took said texts as inspiration for the creation of re-trains. It'd be more simple and flow better, and it'd amount to a cleaner version of the idea of using them up.

Oh I agree. I s'pose what I said was rather ambiguous, but I meant making retrains for normals, with effects based off their original's flavour text. Just a thought though...



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As the idea is exactly written, it would really only be possible for a computer game, since computer games can keep effects hidden while still making them legit.
Not to mention that hidden effects lose their glamour when the effect is discovered. A computer game COULD make the effect one of a few random things (based on different interpretations) and/or not work all the time, but then even the people playing the Normal monsters wouldn't know what effect the monster would have before the duel (or possibly even during the duel), and as such just wouldn't run them, ruining the point.
Effect monster retrains would be the best way to do this and could be quite fun.

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