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Been like 6 years or something since I entered this place .. Weird alot changed I don't even know anyone anymore. Oh well, if someone was here 6 years ago, hi its been a while (:


Oh and Falling Pizza, if you ever read this since you barely used come online, wow the place is amazing bro!

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Been like 6 years or something since I entered this place .. Weird alot changed I don't even know anyone anymore. Oh well, if someone was here 6 years ago, hi its been a while (:


Oh and Falling Pizza, if you ever read this since you barely used come online, wow the place is amazing bro!

YCMaker's more active than Falling Pizza lately. Pizza hasn't been on in like... years. Lol Makes YCMaker look active. Welcome Back.

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I just wanted to post here so those who hate me so much come here fast and start celebrating.

They got really disgusting, the last straw was really there when they began talking s*** on their profile posts.. 

Like thank you for the unbelieveable experience, how many times can a person say he's going to change the damn card (a card, that's what it was all about btw), while they still pop out, bashing, face-palm pics, calling names,

it just became really non human. like I'm opening a thread for them to feast on flesh (no I don't take it that seriously, just exaggarating with a metaphor)

seriously was going to update that card, now? oh please.

Not hurt, just sad. I tried to come here and discuss cards I made, but see no point for it now when a bunch of the forum hates your ass.

Not sure yet if I go permanently or just until the "forum elites" change, I just don't like the way I can open a thread and my screen name attracts them again.

Some of you are really great, some are less. I don't leave because I refuse to aknowledge my OP cards, I leave because I don't see point in staying here when they hate ya. changing the card wouldn't not bring the experience back.



EDIT: thread was locked so I didn't have the chance to reply to some people. it's not relevant to most so just skip it.



What is wrong with some of you...are you so ubsesed with competitive that all cards have to be perfect first run?

Come on some of us aren't as skilled as you pros give us positive feed back, this is why most kids dont go pro

because competitive people like you guys take it way to seriously, yeah it had some problems at first doesn't

mean you have to go and SH** on it cause it has bad design. Instead say what could be fixed and tweaked. 

Dont just sit there and keep saying how broke it is. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! or leave if you getting upset.


OH and by the way said person said they'd fix it about 3 times but most of you skipped right over it to argue even more.



Dont ruin other peoples experiences because you want every card in RC to be as realistic as real cards.


Thanks, though I don't see this changing. I just got enough of it after seeing them saying s*** about me on their profile posts.

They win, I really see no point now when a bunch of the forum just hates your ass, and like for what.

Psst. They edited their post to say they'd fix it, bar type/attribute restriction which would leave it horribly made =/

Like their latest post (unless he ninjas me) was edited after the fact with offered changes.

This doesn't change that it was bad design in the first place.

Your post is nothing but spam, and I'm sorry, but if you don't want to be scolded because you make cards badly and act like you didn't screw up. It doesn't matter if they DID decide to change it, they're still refusing to acknowledge this is anything other than an incredibly dark stain on the already less than pristine RC. They are attempting to defend this horrible design, which nulls any and all "oh but i'll edit it kthx" because they don't believe they did anything wrong, thus the problem remains.

And this isn't just degenerate to competitive, it's degenerate overall

Don't post if all you're going to do is spam whine at people who don't agree with leaving s*** lying around.

You and dyson still think I edited my posts and cards for you? and more than that - to be right on an argument? can you go so low as to actually say this and believe yourself.. ?

Of course, I didn't. wish you could check it, if you can - bring a mod, check.


One last SPAM for you PEOPLE is that this community used to be so good, even to the people who didn't

know what they were doing and to people who were new to Yu-Gi-Oh.


This community sucks now more then ever people taking it way to seriously your all a******s pissing

on everyone's creativity.


And no matter what you just want all your cards and everyone elses cards to be perfect in everyway.

I see it everywhere in every single RC post except multi cards there a lot nicer then you dicks.


Im thankful im leaving this s*** whole you call a community now the game has been ruined by a lot of you.

I hope you guys get to read this before it gets taken down. 

Thanks for standing out, it's really not about the card anymore. it got nasty and out of hand.

there's no point when a community just hates my ass.

Well the point is to make cards that could be realistically released by Konami, not necessarily used in the metagame, as I've seen members on here make some really good cards, that are just to weak to make it into the current metagame. And yes your right. The card isn't why he's getting so much flak, its his refusal to acknowledge anything anyone says.

Did I refuse? when someone wasn't speaking like a douchebag, their point was conveyed well - their changes were accepted, if you read again what I said to people in the beginnig before all this began - there was no refusal, there was aknowledgement of the card's OP and there was agreement on my side,  I would've changed the card in the end and you'd have seen.

But thanks guys, it was a wonderful experience of human nature and full blown hate.

this "Simochi" retard now finally leaves you guys, find someone else. ~I'm out.




Bye, see ya after a long while, maybe.

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Understand that people don't hate you... Just a lot of people are passionate about Card Design and they pick out your flaws of the card. Yes some people can be a bit jerkish at times but because this Community is so close knit it can be hard at times to acccept Newbies. I will respect your decision to leave and I am sorry that YCM wasn't for you.

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