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The YCM Club Wars FIRST POST UPDATED (READ RULE XIV) [Started/Accepting Clubs/Accepting Club Members] OOC Thread

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@Primal: The thing is primal' date=' these tricks:


o^ra no dokusho (Aura Reading) - This is the ability for a psychic to see in and around a subjects Aura. We all have an electromagnetic energy field around us. This allows Hayate to make a rough estimate of his opponents power levels, as a side note this only reads his physical power level not their special powers.


Sentou no Kankaku (Combat Sense) - Allows Hayate to use a martial arts style involving sensing what a combatant’s next move will be. This cannot sense a special ability based attack nor what the opponent is thinking just physical attacks.


Déjà VU: Allows Hayate to create an illusion of having already experienced something, which in actuality it would be the first time experiencing it. This is great in combination with an attack which usually causes the opponent to believe that the attack has been doubled which in actuality it doesn't.


Taika (Regression) - Is a Hypnotic or meditative state in which Hayate can re-experience his past lives. With this he gains knowledge from his past lives as well as the being able to perform ancient forms of martial arts he was taught in his past lives.


Are not in line with your fruit, if they were and you can predict near future with the abbility of making things real with a physical medium then the fruit is simply to powerful.


So I'm going to overrule MArv's acceptance until you explain how that is less than 4 abbilities, including Gravity control and Apport.


Also Gravity control is too powerful in it's vague form. I can think of 5 ways to kill every charcter in here with that.[/quote']


I did fail to put this part into my app;


The Devil Fruit allows the user to create mental or "Psychic" attacks. The major weakness of this particular fruit is the time needed to activate his attacks, that being 30-90 seconds. Though this doesn't seem like a big weakness but in a battle 30 seconds is enough time to be killed by an opponent. Furthermore he is also bound by the usual weaknesses of other devil fruits which includes water.


Now every single one of those attack are all Psychic or a mental attack. And each one has it's own weakness. As you said "and you can predict near future with the abbility of making things real with a physical medium then the fruit is simply to powerful." I cannot predict anything I'm only really reading their body language to determine a pysical attack. For instance if you stepped forward with your left foot while gripping your right hand tighter on a sword would make me think that you are attacking. To be honest I will probably never use this attack so it might as well be thrown away. As for "o^ra no dokusho" the sight only allows him to gauge a physical battle meaning he calculates that they may be weak but is not calculating the probability that they have a higher attack rate with an ability. Déjà VU is just a slight illusion making someone feel double the pain, doesn't acctually do anything other then heighten the pain sense in their minds. Taika allows the character to enter his own mind and free past martial arts that he once new, their all basic martial arts with no real danger to most if not all enemies since most have abilities.


As for gravity I'll get rid of it as want I really wanted to use with it was useless.

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@MArv: I know he is not likely to godmod as he said we were free to remove some spells.


However I still think those spells shouldn't be used' date=' since once they are cast, the only way for it to not godmod is if he misses.


No matter how skillled the rper is, there is some skills that no matter what will the execution will be OP. In this scenario those two are them.


If he just promises not to cast them I'm content.


In addition I have a great idea.


How about we keep asking when the rp will start, surely this will somehow make it start sooner.


[b']It's like "Are we there yet?"[/b]


I am impressed. You're the one who I'm saying this to? We didn't know when it was going to start, and we wanted a +1 post, even though here, it doesn't count. So, we asked. And, I was content about asking up to the point where Maru told us.


Are we there yet?

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Oh I had no trouble whit the abilities themselves, they were just unrealtaed to your fruit.


In addition since they are made from the fruit all of them take 30 seconds to execute.


Just so we are on the same page.


In addition you can't create objects with psychic powers. Which was one of your powers.




In other news Zex said before he wasn't sure he would be that active, so just let him join after it starts.


It does say in the rp that he was imprisioned.


@News: Saying 15 minutes but actually using 16? You sly devil.... XD


Still accepted.


@DMG: It's just the same question was asked like 8 times.


You can only have the same post so much before it becomes spam.

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Oh I had no trouble whit the abilities themselves' date=' they were just unrealtaed to your fruit.


In addition since they are made from the fruit all of them take 30 seconds to execute.


Just so we are on the same page.


In addition you can't create objects with psychic powers. Which was one of your powers.




In other news Zex said before he wasn't sure he would be that active, so just let him join after it starts.


It does say in the rp that he was imprisioned.


@News: Saying 15 minutes but actually using 16? You sly devil.... XD


Still accepted.


@DMG: It's just the same question was asked like 8 times.


You can only have the same post so much before it becomes spam.



Woah wait a minute, people can use telekinesis to use any object as a weapon but I cannot create swords, or a couple other things?

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Oh I had no trouble whit the abilities themselves' date=' they were just unrealtaed to your fruit.


In addition since they are made from the fruit all of them take 30 seconds to execute.


Just so we are on the same page.


In addition you can't create objects with psychic powers. Which was one of your powers.




In other news Zex said before he wasn't sure he would be that active, so just let him join after it starts.


It does say in the rp that he was imprisioned.


@News: Saying 15 minutes but actually using 16? You sly devil.... XD


Still accepted.


@DMG: It's just the same question was asked like 8 times.


You can only have the same post so much before it becomes spam.



Woah wait a minute, people can use telekinesis to use any object as a weapon but I cannot create swords, or a couple other things?


Yeah, they fling a rock really fast with there mind.


Like a bullet.


Psychic weapon smithing is basically creating stuff from thin air.


That has nothing to do with mind over matter unless your playing as those people who can rewrite the laws of the universe with there mind.


As those people are psychic.


However fruits don't get that strong.

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Club you are loyal to: Club Pikachu

Appearance: [spoiler=appearence]AwesomeAnimeGirlEpic.jpg


Age: 17

Abilities(Up to 3, no godmodding): Can Grow Black Wings, Can read minds and Create Illusions

Weapons (2. No more): Small Knife and Small Pistol

Personal Motivation): Cause I WANNA KILL FOR DA PIKACHU GODS :D :D

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Oh I had no trouble whit the abilities themselves' date=' they were just unrealtaed to your fruit.


In addition since they are made from the fruit all of them take 30 seconds to execute.


Just so we are on the same page.


In addition you can't create objects with psychic powers. Which was one of your powers.




In other news Zex said before he wasn't sure he would be that active, so just let him join after it starts.


It does say in the rp that he was imprisioned.


@News: [b']Saying 15 minutes but actually using 16?[/b] You sly devil.... XD


Still accepted.


@DMG: It's just the same question was asked like 8 times.


You can only have the same post so much before it becomes spam.

Lol I fixed that...

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Mind reading is dangerous since you know what everyone is going to do. Meaning it's impossible to hit you besides the classic "mind is so evil or convuluted you faint" trick.


Or the "stunned from how Nexev actually thinks that will work, ironically letting it work simply because your to busy thinking about how dumb he is to stop him".


Illusions slightly as well.


Just give me a idea of how powerful your skills can get at maximum.


Surface thoughts in mind reading or having to stand still to mind read are okay traits for example.


@Primal: so with the exception of you having to use swords bought at Wal-mart and not hand made psychic ones, accepted.


Now I have t be in bed.

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Guest War Torn

This is going to be fun. I get to destroy defeat my enemies in one fell swoop. DarkMark, are you asking to get your butt kicked?

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Name of your Club?: Elite Foorce Dragon Club

Affiliation (Club Pikachu or Organization XIII): Orgy

How many posts does your club have?(Must be 1000+): 8,350

How active is your club?: Pretty active

Why does your club wish to join the war?We love Orgy, and I would like my club to be a part of the first Forum War.

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Name of your Club?: |_) The Digimon Tamer Union (_|

Affiliation (Club Pikachu or Organization XIII): Organization XIII

How many posts does your club have?(Must be 1000+): 2594

How active is your club?: Relatively

Why does your club wish to join the war?(Must be a good reason. Can be to support the group): We were invited.

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Guest War Torn

*points to ancient sword in his hand*


I think you know the name of this great sword Broken. Sword of Judgment sealed in a purity spell


Besides, I can be very ruthless and very nice.

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