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[Serious] Staff AUA


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Top 10 favorite monsters?

1. Toffee

2. Tsumugi

3. Hash-Slinging Slasher

4. Shini

5. Black Enforcer

6. Ghostwriter

7. Baalmon

8. TER

9. Foxy

10. Nox


Who is the most liked staff member?


Depends, but probably Aix and Nai.


Both of them are technically the youngest members on the force (in terms of registration), so probably because they're new generation as opposed to the rest of us who hail from the old days.


Oh yeah, but Night is still god.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is night both a badass and crazy?




How much power to change do you guys actually have in terms of site infrastructure and major features?


The problem isn't that we're limited on what we can do, contrarily evilfusion and I have access to pretty much all of the sheet in the acp. The other kids have a good amount of access too and can easily get more should they ever need it. The real issue is with our resources and limited knowledge. For example, none of us can code, so we choose not to funk with that. Rinne, a former mod, is adept in web development and even he preferred not to tinker with anything so you can assume it's probably best that the rest of us follow his lead on that.


Still though, we try to do what we can with what we have. 


What is Night's favorite soda?



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Can I gain access to the mod forum so that Aix and I can have clandestine YCM encounters without Cowcow's knowledge or approval?


Uh, no.


How much power to change do you guys actually have in terms of site infrastructure and major features?

As Night mentioned, he and evilfusion have access to pretty much everything in the ACP.

I have enough access to modify forums, members/groups and other things. Same goes for the other regular mods.


(If we need more access, then just give Night/evilfusion a valid reason and we'll get it)


Technically, I can do some coding (see that raffle program that I would've used earlier in the week, if I could trust its fairness in one area), but even if I had access to the cardmaker template or other sensitive parts of YCM, I'd rather not touch it (especially if it's written in a language I'm not familiar with). I'll assume it's either Java [which I have a limited knowledge of at present] or PHP.


We'd rather not piss off YCMaker for tampering with his coding, and otherwise making the card maker crash if we edit it too much.



Ah yes, I didn't answer the second part of Dad's question



1. What are some things you've seen that you'd like to address as a problem

2. What are some things you've seen that you like and would like to see more of?


1. One of them is indeed the lack of an updated cardmaker. As much as we'd like for it to be updated, we have to accept that YCMaker is dead for most intents and purposes, and won't update it anytime soon.


I suppose that the behavior in certain sections, usually TCG and General, can be a bit of an issue, especially when topics get rather heated.


Also lack of new members on the forums; we have a few that come on, but a lot of the newbies who introduce themselves don't post afterwards.


2. Members are using the Report button more often, and that's pretty much what we want to see. If you think a post/thread is questionable within reason, by all means, report it so we can look.


Again, we can't see everything, so reporting stuff helps us get to problematic content much faster. There isn't a penalty for overusing the function, but please use it to report objectionable content. Also, don't keep reporting the same post if it hasn't been dealt with quickly.



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  • 2 weeks later...

How in the funk is this site even in declined usage?! Last i remember this site had more activity....

  • Lack of interest in YCM itself, or even the game due to Konami's decisions. 
  • People busy with school, work or other commitments that take precedence over being here. Right now, a lot of us have started school again (myself included)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Why are we not allowed to view the profiles of banned members? Saw a comment about it and thought I should ask about it.


I think it's something to do with member permissions; at least something that I can't access. Or really, you can't view members who got permabanned; temporarily banned should still be available. 


(Might need to check if even Junior Mods / Damage Control can view these accounts as well, or they're locked)

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