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The Command Tower (EDH Hangout)

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...wow I'm late. Added!

Anyways, does anyone have anything they're definitely going to be getting from DTK? I'm looking at Risen Executioner and Corpseweft for Gisa, myself.

(Also managed to pick up a foil Chinese Palace Siege today for ~$2.50. That thing's crazy pretty, particularly with the lenticular watermark.)

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  • 4 months later...

This is now a thing again.


Anyways, what are some recent cards from Khans or Origins that you've picked up or will pick up for your EDH decks? For me:


- Erebos's Titan

- Evolutionary Leap

- Graveblade Marauder

- Helm of the Gods

- Herald of the Pantheon

- Minister of Pain

- Nissa's Pilgrimage

- Shadows of the Past

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I'd like to join. Recently got into EDH, but I've been playing Magic a while.


Decks: Ob Nixilis Planeswalker, Zurgo Helmsmasher (awful), Doran (online only).


As for cards from Khans and Origins, I got Erebos' Titan, Kothophed, Soul Hoarder, Macabre Waltz, and a few other things for my Obby deck, and my Zurgo deck is pretty much made solely of cards from Khans and Theros given that I made it by smashing together three casual decks.

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> mfw




Glad to have you aboard! Added to the main page. Kothophed looks like he's gonna be sicknasty - he'll drown you under all that card advantage if you're not careful, but hey, that's what black does best.


Got lists for Ob and Zurgo? I'm free to offer feedback and +/- suggestions.

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The great aurae is the most fun and dumbest card to come into EDH since warp world, resetting the board and giving everyone tons of mana to go nuts with causes some silly things to happen.

I need to get myself a copy of that and Sword of the Animist. Aurora is the answer to green's prayers of a creature board wipe. And it's a Warp World, too! 83

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I have no idea why I'm apparently auto-liking posts I've not seen yet...


But anyhoo, 5-color commander was an experiment I've only done once and that was to slap the smirk off on jabroni that was consistently winning every single prize from this one card store I go to for events. It was a Sliver deck and you'd have to royally tick me off for me to play Slivers willingly. Otherwise, I don't even touch them.


Otherwise, I play either single color or 2-color (with Blue being one of them because I must have my counterspellers...ehehe... ^^; )

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The mysterious likes you are seeing are part of my sig, if you weren't aware. I am very happy with it.


What Sliver commander did you use? I honestly see no reason to use anything but Overlord, since he searches out the other 3 options, but since this is a casual format, it really is all up to preference.


I personally tend to play 2-color decks as well, and, like you, always have my blue spells with me. Of course, since I am in a high-powered competitive environment (turn 3-4 general damage wins are things I need to watch out for, most decks have at least 1 accessible infinite combo, et cetera) normal countermagic is quite suboptimal, as it puts me overall behind in the multiplayer game. This limits me to only the strongest counterspells, such as Cryptic Command (glad to have gotten a copy a few months ago) and similar. What I personally enjoy running blue for is the card draw. Cards like Treasure Cruise, Blue Sun's Zenith, and Windfall are wonderful for regaining lost advantage. Black can do similarly with powerful options like Necropotence, but I have always preferred Blue's style of draw.

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ayyy baby now this is a club I can get behind

Been playing since original Ravnica, about ten years ago now. 


Current decks: Literally name it, I can have it in about half an hour. But the six decks I have keep together for good are:

  • Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper
  • Wort, the Raidmother
  • Isperia the Inscrutable
  • Mistform Ultimus
  • Teysa, Orzhov Scion
  • Experiment Kraj
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Hey man, glad to have you on board!


Since it seems you have played a large variety of decks, what are you experiences with 5c EDH?


It's basically "throw all your favorites in" because color identity doesn't restrict you. The five color decks I personally played are:


  • Reaper King with an Artifact theme. It was basically my 60 card scarecrow deck which was super cool reborn as a commander deck. It didn't really work and didn't utilize the fact I had five colors very well with 90% of the deck being colorless.
  • Reaper King again, this time with changelings and random lords instead of scarecrows and artifacts. It was the silliest thing I've ever made and it was an adventure to play, because I had no idea what I was going to draw.
  • Horde of Notions elemental tribal was pretty rad. Once you got to the point where you could fire off Horde's ability multiple times and a sac outlet, things got pretty crazy. 
  • Scion of the Ur-Dragon was also sweet. Dragons are the coolest especially with the insurgence of multi-colored ones from Tarkir block. Probably my favorite I've played, but I just enjoy toolbox generals.
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I have built Reaper King before. I went with a Copy and clone subtheme. Kicking a Rite of Replication on a Reaper King is A LOT of removal, and the new legend rule only helps. Sakashima lets me double up on the destruction.


My Horde of Notions deck was fun, mostly because casting Maelstrom Wanderer from the grave for 5 was utterly insane value. Looping Nova Chaser and Flamekin HArbinger was also a really fun trick.

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My preferred amount of colors for a deck is two. Sek'Kuar is a very happy balance of the three colors it is and it took a while to get to that point, so that's part of the reason it's my only solid three color deck. I find it easier to put the cards you want and not have to cut a million things out when building two colors.

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My primary commander is Damia, Sage of Stone (my not-quite-current build is in the deck section) and the color combination works wonders.


Green gets me ramp

Blue gets me advantage

Black gets me removal


tfw i accidentally listed them in the order they appear on her card, rather than standard WUBRG because I am so used to arranging my lands. That is actually kinda awesome.

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Something just occurred to me, from recent mention of Scion. 


Silumgar, the Drifting Death is the first and only dragon with hexproof. This means that, since Fate Reforged, Scion has been able to dodge spot removal for only 2 generic mana.


Sorry, not meaning to derail the topic, just thought that would be an interesting thing to note.

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...oh, of course now that post count's enabled everyone comes flocking in.




That said, added to the main post. As for Sultai, it's always going to be the "try-hard" color combination for me. This because I'd rate the colors in strength as UGBWR, in that order. Sultai decks always seem to dissolve into goodstuff - Mimeoplasm and Damia particularly get hit by this, but even Tasigur dissolves into a pile of answers. I've tried piloting Sidisi, too, but she's just... boring. The single zombie doesn't do much in the long run.


But yes, join the Golgari club.

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If I had one deck out of the many I took apart that I could put back together it would be Sidisi zombie tribal. It was a blast and milling my whole library one card at a time and smashing in with a billion zombies was awesome.



Something just occurred to me, from recent mention of Scion. 


Silumgar, the Drifting Death is the first and only dragon with hexproof. This means that, since Fate Reforged, Scion has been able to dodge spot removal for only 2 generic mana.


Sorry, not meaning to derail the topic, just thought that would be an interesting thing to note.




The blue uncommon Megamorph dragon from DTK also has hexproof, so there's another option.

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So, I've had it in my head to build a Keranos EDH, just to give him a home after rotation. The plan here is to have all sorts of scry and deck-rigging shenanigans to give a greater amount of control over his abilities.


With scry being given increasing amounts of presence, this deck might be increasingly easy to build. Maybe.

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@Sixty: Really? I'm curious to see your list. I built her as zombie tribal too, but she was just so underwhelming unless I got out the Four Horsemen combo*, and I don't even like infinite combos that much so it wasn't that fun.


And Belltoll Dragon sucks. Man, that cycle of cards from EDH was such a disappointment.


@Gadjiltron: Good luck with that! Keranos definitely is suited to a counterburn style of play. If you're up for infinite combos, try to throw in Firemind's Foresight into Reiterate + Reset + Lightning Bolt. (Too bad Reset is at $25 atm.)



1. Have out Sidisi, Basalt Monolith and Mesmeric Orb.

2. Have Gaea's Blessing in library.

3. Tap/untap Monolith for infinite Orb Triggers and mill yourself infinite cards. Sidisi produces infinite zombies, Blessing prevents you from milling out.

4. Sac 3 zombies to flashback Dread Return and reanimate Gravespawn Sovereign.

5. Tap 10 zombies to reanimate a sac outlet and Diregraf Captain.

6. Sac your field and kill everyone.

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