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Mr. Hyde

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I'm still a babby new player at this game at level 15, so I can't play competitive yet.


I'm also toying around with the idea of "Offense Bastion". So far, what I've learned is that what you can do best as Bastion on the offense team is to flank really hard and work to get behind the enemy. If you can do this, you basically tear them to shreds.


I mean, I've just been finding that Bastion's skill lies in knowing where to setup, and when to move. The element of surprise is your greatest weapon, and you can't really stayed holed up in one spot for long unless a Reinhardt is camping with you.

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I placed 48 and thought that was sheet. 


If anyone's looking for people to play with you can always jump on my ts and play with me and my buds, or just me if you'd like. 

Have you guys been playing together on discord or something? Cause that's cool too. I wouldn't mind queuing with a bunch of ycm fucks, that would be fun. 

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I'm currently 37.


Played my first Competetive match; Had 36 kills and most damage as Junkrat(Was like 10,000+ or some sheet). I killed, like, everyone; it was great. Our team won 3-0 because we were so coordinated and everything <3

Srsly, our Mei, Lucio, 76, etc; was beautiful.


SHAME I DONT HAVE ANY SCREENSHOTS FOR YOU GUYS- *ahem* that's beside the point.


Have you guys been playing together on discord or something? Cause that's cool too. I wouldn't mind queuing with a bunch of ycm fucks, that would be fun.

We just kinda' play through whatever. In-game voice chat can work with friends-only, mang.


And feel free to add me; I'm JayDer#11410

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Be warned my main mic is broken, and my backup one usually doesn't work, so I dont even bother.


Mains: Zarya, Roadhog, Torj, Mercy/Lucio, Winston, Junkrat

Decent at: Genji, McCree.

Learning: Pharah, Mei


In one of our placements our Pharah had 73 elims.  SEVENTY THREE.

Dude pretty much carried that game.  It would have been kinda close otherwise.

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Just turned on the ps4 and noticed an update for Overwatch, so I'm guessing it's the one that PC got a few weeks ago. I'm not even to level 25 yet (I play games really slowly), so competitive will still be locked for me, but I'm excited to try it out. Probably won't be very good, but I'll still try my luck, might get lucky in a game or two.


The thought occurred to me while playing the other day that I should probably buy a mic, but I haven't ran into hardly anyone with a mic so I feel like it would be a waste of money. Maybe console players just don't use mics as often as PC players do.

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Sadly I can't afford the game... but here are three cool playlists I found!

1. Overwatch Fan Songs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFonMuIDTCl2NKUtDNnVXvm4Ffa9QA9_2

2. Overwatch Fan Trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFonMuIDTCl1e34tpeJvNQEzJF2W4mgoU

3. Overwatch Anime Openings: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFonMuIDTCl3WytMoUMYtPSY8MCtdHv3j




Edit: What makes me sad, is I created 5 characters that would fit perfectly into the game, complete with in-game abilities and biographies, but I can't get them to the devs cause I can't contact them.  I just messaged them on YouTube, but I doubt it will result to anything.

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