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~ The YCM Halloween Masquerade 2015 ~

Shini the Scaremeister

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Seeing as how I was in a car accident earlier tonight, I won't be attending to this for a few days. My apologies, but sometimes certain things are more important. Like my health.

sucks to hear, hope you get better soon

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Seeing as how I was in a car accident earlier tonight, I won't be attending to this for a few days.  My apologies, but sometimes certain things are more important.  Like my health.


Just what kind of monsters do you think we are to not thi-



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Monster Deck - Spirits of Hallow's Eve


Ack!  Shini's let loose spirits all across the yard!  Can you defeat them, or will they run rampant and take over?

  • Shini may ignore the penalty of returning Spirit monsters to her hand during the End Phase.
  • Spirit monsters may be Normal Summoned from the Graveyard.

This is an example Monster Deck; the two criteria listed above are the general power of the buffs that will be granted to monsters.  Note that monsters running a more powerful deck (i.e. one that is meta) will receive weaker buffs, while ones that are non-meta will receive drastic ones (such as this one).

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I haven't read the whole thread so I wouldn't know but, you say over here there are 5 slots left, and the OP says "SIGNUPS ARE OVER".

Wouldn't it be better to edit that part out of the OP for the mean time?


The host was in a car crash and postponed anything related to this thread.

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